AM/CAN CH Longscent Legend's Labyrinth at Boru Bastian Du Hameau Jouas Yarko Du Noble Limier Ivanhoe du Clos de la Pacaudiere Multi CH Tiffany Du Noble Limier Royale Paddy Tennese Du Noble Limier CH Tarleton Mabel BIS CH Springbuk's Raindance Rhapsody CH Sherjac's British Sterling CH Springbucks Dash of Nutmeg CH RidgeRunner Vision CH Sandlapper's I Got Even CH Ridgerunner Unique CH Boru's Midnight Lullaby CH Tracersown Hylbillies Arlo CH Tracersown McGruf Bothswain CH Tracersown Trooper CH Tracersown Golden Girl Tracersown Linda's Stardust CH Serendipity's Lido CH Woodsong's Homegrown Onion CH Cu F'ola Arsin Around AM/CAN CH Murphy's Continental Drift BIS CH Mason's Heartbreak Hotel AM/CAN CH Bigwood's Ruby Tuesday CH WBT Tullmore Dew Sir Larimore of Fred Way The Celts Lady Shannon of FW